Vamsi’s Story


When Karen and I first started helping TJ to care for orphans in India, we were asked to support an individual orphan. Most of the children in the two orphanages were young, but as we looked over their photographs, our eyes fell upon a teenage boy in the home of one of the pastors TJ had partnered with. His name is Vamsi (wom’ see).

Here’s some of Vamsi’s story. Both sets of his grandparents were lepers. As a result, they were outcasts in their society. No one would hire them, so their only source of income was begging. Vamsi’s parents, though not lepers themselves, could not find work because they were also considered as “untouchables”. With all the physical and emotional heartache that this family experienced, there were times when all of them considered suicide. Their future looked hopeless.

One of these two pastors TJ was helping was the pastor to Vamsi’s family. He convinced them to allow him to take the boy and his brother into his home. Suddenly, with regular meals, clean clothes, other boys to play with, and an education, Vamsi began to flourish. He placed his faith in Christ and often accompanied the pastor to crusades and sang at them. As one of the older boys in the orphanage, Vamsi was a good example to the younger children. Vamsi did well in his studies, and after high school, pursued an MBA in college. Eventually Vamsi graduated and looked for work.

The following year after his graduation, TJ led another mission team to India. To their surprise, as they arrived at the airport they were greeted by a tall, mature, young man in an airport uniform. It was Vamsi! He had found employment with the airline. Since that time, Vamsi has continued to advance at his job. He has moved to a larger city where he now manages one of the airlines. Vamsi is an example of what can happen when a child is given a loving home and hears the message of Christ.

After high school, not all the orphans want to attend college. However, for those that do, the cost of their education rises. As you and I give to Apple of His Eye Charity’s “pool sponsorship,” we help all the orphans to reach their dreams. Some have gone on to medical school. Others have become nurses. Others have become engineers. Still others have an interest in computer science. Whatever they do, they are no longer dependent on begging.

The pastors and their wives are doing the tiring work, and God will greatly reward them. But until that day, by going to India on a mission trip, or through prayer and financial giving, we can join with them to meet the needs of orphans and others in India. With your involvement, we will continue to see hope and confidence replace the hopelessness in the eyes of these “apples of God’s eyes”.

By: Marlon Furtado

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