This year’s Cycle For A Cause is being upgraded from a single day to the whole month of July! Combine your passion for bicycling, motorcycling, walking, running, etc. with your desire to help those in need!


Event Details

Join us on a bike trip to India!

You will receive a personalized CFAC website by filling out the registration form below.  An easy and fun way to benefit widows and orphans in India & Rwanda through Apple Of His Eye Charity.

Together, let's see if we can combine our miles to make it to India (8000 miles) and, more importantly, our donations to raise $20,000 or more for the needs of those less fortunate.


Bikes are a key mode of transportation in developing nations. School, clean drinking water, and the local market are often miles away. A bicycle opens up new opportunities for education and access to basic needs by making these miles more accessible and safe. A bicycle is a gift of time, a gift of less aches and pains, and a gift of love. What better way to raise money for kids in India and Rwanda than to Cycle for a Cause!

How the Ride Began


My first Mother’s Day gift from my husband was a road bike. I have always loved biking but once out of college with other responsibilities filling my time, I pretty much stopped biking. Dan, my husband, on the other hand got on his first bike at the age of 4 and never got off. He absolutely loves it and his passion reignited my passion. We now ride bikes year-round, weather permitting, and although we ride for fun and recreation, I have learned that for many around the world it is their main, if not only, form of transportation.

Once going on mission to INDIA and RWANDA, I saw the need for bikes in almost every area of our ministry – The older orphans need transportation to college or vocational training programs; The widows need transportation for everyday errands; Pastors that walk miles everyday to share the gospel or minister to those in need can use bikes thus reaching many more in one day and then the orphans need bikes to exercise, play and just be kids. Realizing the need for at least 20 bikes immediately and seeing the impact bicycles have in our different areas of ministry inspired Cycle for a Cause. We thought, why not turn a sport that we love and enjoy into something that helps others too.

August 2018, we held our first Cycle for a Cause. A Sandy, OR family let us use their property off Bluff Rd. to start and finish the ride. The courses varied in length and difficulty and we had riders for each route with the longest route going up the mountain past Sandy. Although a small crowd gathered that first year, the excitement for the cause and the fun during the event was evident. Riders started talking and planning for next year that very same day! I knew than we had something special and would be scheduling another Cycle for a Cause. And we continue to do so!