Our Blog

The Presence of God is given first place. 

"Everybody squirt!"  Suddenly 100 women whip out their spray bottles and begin to squirt their neighbor. Shrieking and laughing, we all cool down from the 105 degree heat.  OK, back to the teaching...              Our first multi-day conference for women is in progress.  It's a first for most.  A bit tentative and shy at first, they are warming up to the idea of a safe place where camaraderie and fun are core values.  They will spend three full days here in a...
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The Greatest Word of Faith

There exists in the Old Testament a very small word which is a treasure chest of faith. I’ll give you a hint. It’s two letters long (I told you it was small). Give up? Here it is - “He said to his servants, ‘Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then WE will come back to you.’” (Genesis 22:5)This was a dark time in Abraham’s life. But there had been happier times for the Patriarch. One such time was when he was 100 years old and holding his newborn son...
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Walking with Christ

I recently received a mailer from my chiropractor which prompted me to dig out my anatomy books. Did you know that the simple act of walking takes hundreds of muscles acting together in a coordinated manner. Some of these muscles are large, but many are relatively small. The act of walking requires your nervous system to coordinate this juggling act, signaling some muscles to relax and others to contract. Not only are your legs and feet involved, but walking also involves swinging your arms. Thus, your shoulder, back, and chest muscles are also involved in bipedal motion.  Until you have...
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God at Work Behind the Scenes

Sometimes God’s activity is in plain view for all to see. Such was the case when God produced ten plagues to challenge the gods of Egypt when the Pharaoh refused Moses’ demand to let the Hebrew slaves go. As each plague had a miraculous dimension, it was clear that God was involved.Another time when God’s activity was clearly in view was when, at the top of Mt. Carmel, Elijah challenged the god of the prophets of Baal to a showdown. Elijah gave the 450 prophets of Baal several hours to induce their god to send fire from heaven to burn...
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Hidden Roots

I was born and raised in a small community on the coast of the northernmost part of California. It was known for its huge redwood trees that grew to be hundreds of feet tall, dwarfing the cars of tourists who pulled off the road to stare at these magnificent giants. (On a side note, the forest scene in Return of the Jedi was filmed not far from my home outside of Crescent City.)Recently, the Board of Apple of His Eye Charity met at the beach for its annual Prayer & Planning Retreat. As one of the board members led us...
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