God’s Safe-Deposit Box

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7). We tend to put our valuables in places that will be hard for a thief to steal. Safes. Banks. Safe-deposit boxes. Yet God has placed His most costly treasure in common jars of clay, people whose hearts have been opened to Him. It’s like a woman putting her jewelry in a brown sack beside her bed. Makes no sense to us; it’s counterintuitive. But that is exactly what God has done. 

The orphans who have been rescued by our partners hear about Jesus and have opportunity to follow Him. The widows we feed also hear about Jesus. The lepers and other “overlooked” people hear about Jesus, too. Though the world doesn’t attach much value to any of them, the Lord puts His treasure of Jesus into them when they receive Him and become a Christ-follower.

The treasure is not the jar, nor does the outside of our jars give people any hope. It’s only the message of Jesus that provides grace, forgiveness, and new life. Your investments through Apple of His Eye Charity are reminders to these marginalized people that they have great worth in God’s sight and that they are God’s safe-deposit boxes.

Marlon Furtado

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