A Wedding Invitation

One of the orphan boys that grew up in our orphanage in India recently was married. It reminded me of a wedding to which Jesus was invited. The Lord had not done any miracles yet, so His attendance was not a distraction to the celebration.

As best I can figure, to advertise the wedding in those days, the bride and groom were carried through the streets of the neighborhoods, inviting everyone to the celebration. After the ceremony there would be a feast with wine. At the wedding Jesus attended, the wine ran low. Running out would have been a major embarrassment for the host. To avoid that humiliation, Jesus inconspicuously performed His first miracle, turning 120 gallons of water into vintage wine. From this, we can draw the conclusion that the Savior loves weddings. 

To reveal the heart of God, Jesus told a story about a king who invited the townspeople to his son’s wedding. When the day for the event arrived, some of the people went to their businesses instead. The invite from the king was no big thing to them. Sadly, many people don’t appreciate God’s invitation to come to Jesus. 

At AHEC, we have chosen our partners in India and Rwanda because they are men who treasure Jesus. When you give through AHEC, you impact the lives of boys and girls who grow up and start their own families, men and women who will raise their children to know and love Jesus. Thank you for playing a major role in their lives.

Marlon Furtado

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