Importance of One

Can you imagine Billy Graham holding a large crusade and in the middle of it, feel like he is to leave the crusade to go talk to one person in…

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Cold Churches

I remember a time at our church when, during the winter months, everyone kept their coats on. We had a big heat pump, but it just wasn’t able to put…

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Shining Like a Star

As you know, S.T.A.R.S. is the acronym we’ve given those supporting the orphans, widows, and marginalized in India and Rwanda (Shining Together Actively Reflecting the Savior). All of us who…

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Solomon’s Fine Attire

Jesus referred to Solomon’s attire when He said, “Not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” (Matthew 6:29). Like one of what? Like the flowers…

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The Power of a Parent

Our partners in India and Rwanda are a lot like parents. They care for these kids willingly, though it is never-ending sacrificial work. In Paul’s last personal letter to Timothy,…

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