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Hope & Blessing Through a Simple Meal

Isaiah 58:10 |  … And if you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. (NIV) In our nation, it is common to assume that we’ll have access to three meals a day along with snacks and dessert. Many of us don’t think twice about purchasing a fancy drink from the local coffee...
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Christmas Party 2021 Pictures

A huge thank you to everyone who gave a special Christmas donation and helped make this celebration possible! PLAYING EATING
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The Five Stories Children Need to Hear

he Bible is filled with stories. You can find intrigue, injustice, violence, treachery, deception, as well as love, loyalty, compassion, and encouragement. But which stories are essential to communicate with your kids or grandchildren? How about with the orphans our partners care for? These are the ones I have chosen as the top five:The FIRST story is that of CREATION. God created the universe, then turned His attention to building a beautiful place to be inhabited by sea animals and land animals. Finally, everything was ready for people to be His greatest creation. “Then God said, ‘Let Us make human...
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We Three Kings

We three kings of Orient are;Bearing gifts, we traverse afar,Field and fountain, moor and mountain,Following yonder star.Refrain:O star of wonder, star of night,Star with royal beauty bright,Westward leading, still proceeding,Guide us to thy Perfect Light.Let’s see what we can learn from the Bible about the familiar Christmas carol, We Three Kings. Some translations of the Scriptures refer to these visitors as Wise Men, while others call them Magi. As such, they were not kings, but were well-educated men who served as advisors to kings of Persia (present-day Iran). Six centuries earlier, a Jewish captive named Daniel rose high in their...
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Fresh Water

Clean water is vitally important. In underdeveloped countries around the world, (usually) women have to walk for miles to get water for the day. Sometimes their journey takes them to a well and fresh water. Other times their source of water is above-ground (and may contains parasites). Jeremiah reminds us that even scrubbing with clean water cannot wash away our sin. “Although you wash yourself with soda and use an abundance of soap, the stain of your guilt is still before me,” declares the Sovereign Lord.” (Jeremiah 2:22). Jesus provides the water that refreshes our soul and also washes away our...
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