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El Roi: The God Who Sees Women Like Jyothi

Meet Jyothi.  She has three young children.  Her husband has serious health issues and is unable to work at even the most menial labor.  She came to the sewing training center desperate for a way to feed her family and keep them off the street.  In a few months, Jyothi will earn a certificate verifying that she is a trained seamstress.  This government-recognized certificate will qualify her for a decent job at one of the many tailor shops in her...
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The Power of a Parent

Our partners in India and Rwanda are a lot like parents. They care for these kids willingly, though it is never-ending sacrificial work. In Paul’s last personal letter to Timothy, he mentions two things that Timothy’s mother, Eunice, did that made such a positive impression upon her son. These are the same things our partners are demonstrating before our orphans. And like Eunice, our partners will be highly rewarded in Heaven.First, she demonstrated FAITH. “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives...
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Prison Breaks

The island of Alcatraz is over a mile offshore in San Francisco Bay. For years, this rock was also the site of a federal prison. Some tried to escape, but no one is known to have been successful because of swift ocean currents, cold water, and sharks. The Bible, however, records miraculous escapes from seemingly impossible conditions. The first one is recorded in Acts 12. King Herod arrested the Apostle Peter and planned to publicly execute him the next day. To ensure Peter’s captivity, that night he was chained to two guards and two sentries stood outside his door. He was...
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God’s Kingdom

Occasionally, we all have dreams, though most of us can’t remember the specifics of them once we wake up. However, the second chapter of Daniel records in detail one of Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams. At the time, he was the king of the grandest empire of his day, the Babylonian kingdom. God was revealing to him that in the future several other world-dominant kingdoms would replace his, until finally God would establish His own and final kingdom. In that dream, God’s kingdom is pictured as a huge Rock that smashes all the empires of man. When that time comes, the world will...
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Christmas Party 2021 Pictures

A huge thank you to everyone who gave a special Christmas donation and helped make this celebration possible! PLAYING EATING
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