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Hope & Blessing Through a Simple Meal

Isaiah 58:10 |  … And if you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. (NIV) In our nation, it is common to assume that we’ll have access to three meals a day along with snacks and dessert. Many of us don’t think twice about purchasing a fancy drink from the local coffee...
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Sewing and Reaping Eternal Rewards

When I was a young girl, I remember visiting my grandma who did most of her sewing on an old Singer pedal machine because it was what she grew up with. In her day electricity wasn’t afforded for every home, so it was the peddle machine or sewing by hand. It was pure entertainment for me to sit on the floor and help her by pushing the foot-pedal up and down as fast as my small arms could move. I’m sure, though, it wasn’t always helpful for grandma. It was a wonder she didn’t have a finger or two sewn...
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God’s Children are not for sale!

God’s Children are not for sale! That line is memorable in the new movie “Sound of Freedom.” My Husband and I had heard that the film was good, but I did not expect to be so moved. Human trafficking is a grave issue that continues to plague societies worldwide. It is a form of modern-day slavery that affects millions of men, women, and children. The movie "Sound of Freedom" sheds light on this dark reality, bringing attention to the urgent need for action. One impactful way to make a difference is by partnering with organizations that are dedicated to fighting...
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Importance of One

Can you imagine Billy Graham holding a large crusade and in the middle of it, feel like he is to leave the crusade to go talk to one person in a distant city? That would be similar to what happened to Philip in Acts 8. He had been having a very productive evangelistic ministry in Samaria when an angel of the Lord told him to leave it all behind and head south. Through his obedience, Philip met an Ethiopian official who was in charge of the treasury of the queen of Ethiopia. Philip shared the gospel with this man who...
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Cold Churches

I remember a time at our church when, during the winter months, everyone kept their coats on. We had a big heat pump, but it just wasn’t able to put out sufficient warmth. We had technicians work on it, but to no avail. Finally, a man whose wife came to our church (he worked in HVAC) took a look at the unit. He said, “It was wired wrong.” He fixed it and from then on, our church was warm all winter. But that’s not the kind of coldness I’m talking about. Churches can be frigid in other ways. A friend moved...
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