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El Roi: The God Who Sees Women Like Jyothi
Meet Jyothi. She has three young children. Her husband has serious health issues and is unable to work at even the most menial labor. She came to the sewing training center desperate for a way to feed her family and keep them off the street. In a few months, Jyothi will earn a certificate verifying that she is a trained seamstress. This government-recognized certificate will qualify her for a decent job at one of the many tailor shops in her...
Keep the Faith
The book of Hebrews was written to Christians of a Jewish ethnicity (but it applies equally to those we help in India and Rwanda). People found strength in their community having the same customs and same religious practices. When individuals started putting their faith in Jesus, some in the community felt threatened and tried to convince them to revert back to Judaism and conform to the rest of their neighbors. It was to encourage these Jesus-followers to stay true to Christ that the book of Hebrews was written. Some of the highlights of the book are:Christ-followers are under the New...
Angelic Wrestling Matches
When I was in high school and college I went out for wrestling. I know, it’s hard to believe now, but there was a time I enjoyed grappling. I didn’t know until years later that wrestling is also an activity of angels, though I doubt they have the same kind of rules and referees I experienced. Whatever side of the political spectrum you identify with, you have to admit that our world is in the throes of change. I’m here to alert us to the fact that these uprisings are not just contests of ideas. The book of Daniel reveals to...
Wild Goose Chase
How many times have you said to yourself, “This is a wild goose chase” after someone sent you to buy something, only to find it sold out at store after store? Ever try catching a wild goose? It’s almost impossible, and if they find water, forget it. Actually, I haven’t seen as many people trying to catch a goose as trying to get away from one that’s chasing them. I’d recommend Mark Batterson’s book, Wild Goose Chase. I was surprised to learn that in Celtic Christianity around AD 500, the Holy Spirit was known as the “Wild Goose.” His book opened...
A quick read of any part of the Bible will reveal that prayer holds a major place in the Scriptures. MOSES. His prayers had more to do with the outcome of the battle than did the hand-to-hand fighting of Joshua or his soldiers in this clash with the Amalekites. “As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.” (Exodus 17:11) ESTHER. Even though Esther was the queen, approaching the king’s throne uninvited could result in her execution. She had an important request to make of the monarch, but before...