The Presence of God is given first place. 

“Everybody squirt!”  Suddenly 100 women whip out their spray bottles and begin to squirt their neighbor. Shrieking and laughing, we all cool down from the 105 degree heat.  OK, back to the teaching…  

           Our first multi-day conference for women is in progress.  It’s a first for most.  A bit tentative and shy at first, they are warming up to the idea of a safe place where camaraderie and fun are core values.  They will spend three full days here in a rented conference center, learning foundational truths from the Word of God.  But truth cannot simply be taught or read; it must be experienced.  Love must be more than a doctrine; it must be tangibly experienced.  Joy must be more than a theory; it must be imparted to the deep places of the spirit. So above all, the Presence of God is given first place.  

            We gather in small groups and share our lives, take long siestas in the afternoon where relationships are nurtured, and take time to bond through singing, dancing and playing crazy games together.  The religiosity that plagues the faith of those coming out of Hinduism gets shattered and true connection with one another and with Jesus grows.  

            The Hindu gods demand proof of devotion…or else!  Fear is the primary motivator in that religion.  In Christ, freedom comes with the revelation that they have a heavenly Father who loves them no matter what.  Many women in India grow up with a deep sense of shame and unworthiness simply for being female.  Families don’t want girl babies.  Female infanticide is rampant.  A girl spends her life trying to prove she is worthy of love, worthy of food, worthy of taking up space in this world.  Her value lies in her ability to serve a man.  Hence, in the old days, a widow was thrown on her husband’s funeral pyre because, without him, there was no reason for her to live.  After coming to Christ, the concept that they are personally valued, holy and loved without condition is paradigm shattering!  There is nothing to prove!  Just receive!

            It was a glorious time of watching joy permeate each precious daughter of the King.  One of the leaders said, “This was like a bulldozer coming through!”  She wanted to stay at least two more weeks!

            Now that the local pastors have seen the fruit of this type of conference, we hope to do many more in the future!  Pray that God gives the leaders a passion for seeing the women raised up, healed and made whole! 


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