Love Looks Like Something
It always feels awkward to me to ask for donations, even for a Christian cause – especially for a
Christian cause. Did Jesus ask for money? I think not, but he didn’t eat air either. We know
from scripture there were followers of Jesus that God used to meet the material needs of him
and his disciples. So, I’ve come to rethink why we, as a charity, do what we do – i.e. raise
money for projects and ministry in areas of great poverty. It boils down to one thing – the one
thing behind everything we do. Love. As Paul wrote, “For Christ’s love compels us, because we
are convinced that one died for all…” (2 Cor. 5:14)
Love is the reason. But “love” needs to be defined to have any meaning. If love is just an
emotional response to the picture of a starving child, a feeling that makes you say, “Aw, isn’t
that sad?” as you flip the page of the missions magazine to something less depressing, then it’s
nothing more than a worthless sentiment. If love is just a passing surge of pity as you head out
for another Starbucks latte, what good is it? This may sound harsh. I don’t mean it to be.
However, I do think we, as the materially blessed ones of this world, need to examine our
hearts and see if what we mean by “love” is anything real. Love is nothing if not practical.
I can tell someone, “I love you,” but they will only believe me if there is some concrete
manifestation of that love. Jesus knew that. When we wonder if God loves us, where do we
look? We look to the cross, the ultimate expression of sacrificial love. God demonstrated his
love; he didn’t just say it. Likewise, our love needs to be demonstrated. It needs to look like
To the thirsty, love looks like water. To a hungry widow, love looks like a hot meal. To a social
outcast with no future, ostracized because parents are lepers, love looks like an education that
breaks the cycle of poverty. To an orphan on the street, in high danger of being trafficked and
molested, love looks like a safe place to sleep.
There is a world starving for love. As Christ’s love compels us, our goal is to show love that
actually looks like something.